A community-driven space for current and aspiring sport and exercise nutritionists.
Grow your support network
Ask questions, get feedback and share your wins
Find out the latest job opportunities
Monthly community calls based on a range of topics
Gain access to useful tools and resources that will help you provide the best level of care and education to your clients
Carefully curated by the IOPN team
Ready to use resources to share with clients
Tools to help support your personal and professional development.
Stay up to date with the latest research and happenings in sports nutrition
Review the latest research
Learn how to appraise the literature
Free access to International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
Grow your support network
Ask questions, get feedback and share your wins
Find out the latest job opportunities
Monthly community calls based on a range of topics
Performance Nutritionist Savannah Clovers FC
"I'm a performance nutritionist working with young athletes as well as a local soccer team helping them with their wellness and nutrition. The reason I chose the IOPN Community is because I felt alone in my journey as a practitioner. I also wanted the support in really understanding what others are going through with their clients to help give me an insight into what I can do. Sometimes we don’t have a hub or support group that can help us bounce ideas! I’m super excited to be in the IOPN Community."
IOPN Diploma student
"I am really looking forward to having the opportunity to engage with others through the IOPN PDP... I’m also really look forward to building a network of like minded people who I can lean on and learn from... sometimes, its nice to know you're not the only one facing these challenges!”
"When I heard about the IOPN Community I jumped at the chance. Not only because of the experience I had with the Diploma but also because of the quality and variety of people who would be involved and the insights they could offer me to help improve my knowledge and skillset.”
Performance Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach
"I felt like I was in an echo chamber and didn’t feel overly confident and needing a community to bounce ideas with. It’s also really hard to keep up with the knowledge and research. The Community itself will help keep me engaged with this and help inform my practice! I’m really looking forward to meeting other practitioners in the industry and learning more about what they’re doing through the IOPN Community!"