Course Modules 2022 - Institute of Performance Nutrition Course Modules 2022 - Institute of Performance Nutrition


Course Modules


Find out the topics you’ll study in each module, the practical
skills you’ll learn and the world-class lecturers who will
guide you on your learning journey.

Module 1: Human nutrition and exercise metabolism

This module aims to provide students with a thorough overview of the fundamental theory of the relevant elements of exercise physiology, exercise metabolism and human nutrition and its practical translation to working with recreational and professional athletes and team sports in practice.

Nutrients and recommended intakes [±14 hrs study time]

Healthful diets and sustainable eating [±10 hrs study time]

Skeletal muscle: structure, function, plasticity [±16 hrs study time]

Skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise [±16 hrs study time]

Nutrition and fatigue [±8 hrs study time]

Energy [±11 hrs study time]

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to:




  • Explain the role, function, composition, and requirements of nutrients and non-nutrients, as well as their impact on human physiology and how they are researched to inform public health nutrition guidelines. 
  • Evaluate retrospective and prospective dietary intake assessment methods and understand the process of maintaining a dietary record in practice.


  • Know the effects of nutrient excess and or/deficiency on metabolic and physiological function. 
  • Understand the evidence of certain nutrients and food groups on various health indices and their global environmental impact, as well as the different country-specific healthy eating guidelines. 
  • Understand the regulations behind food labelling and techniques of food processing.


  • Understand the structure and function of skeletal muscle and the biochemical and metabolic processes of substrate regulation to facilitate energy production at rest and during exercise. 
  • Describe the training /nutrient-induced adaptations in athletes and the potential causal mechanisms of fatigue during exercise. 
  • Understand the process and practical relevance of common physiological and metabolic measurements performed in sport and exercise nutrition research.


  • Understand the components of human metabolism and their contribution to non-athletes and athletes. 
  • Critically appraise the application of measures of human energy expenditure and know how to quantify energy expenditure in practice. 
  • Understand the concepts of energy balance/availability and how to determine the energy status of an individual.