Episode 134: Nutrition behaviour change for professional weight-making athletes
With Dr Dan Martin PhD
Episode 134 of the Institute of Performance Nutrition‘s We Do Science podcast! In this episode, Laurent Bannock discuss nutrition behaviour change for professional weight-making athletes with Dan Martin PhD, Liverpool John Moores University, UK).
Discussion topics include:
- Dietary and weight-making practices in weight-making athletes
- Weight-cutting in the extreme life of professional jockeys
- Exploring a multi-faceted nutrition behaviour change intervention grounded in behaviour change theory
- An overview of the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour (COM-B) model and Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) in the context of professional jockey athletes and their support network
- A “sneak peek” into Dr Martin’s own practice as a working example of how COM-B and BCW theory can be successful applied as a bespoke nutrition behaviour change intervention in “real world” practice
Key paper(s) discussed / referred to:
- Development and Implementation of a Nutrition Behaviour Change Intervention Grounded in COM-B and Behaviour Change Wheel Theory for Professional Weight-Making Athletes (not yet published)