Episode 145: How does night-time feeding affect body composition and performance?
With Michael Ormsbee
Episode 145 of the Institute of Performance Nutrition‘s We Do Science podcast! In this episode, Laurent Bannock discusses the impact of nighttime feeding on body composition & performance with Michael Ormsbee PhD (Florida State University, USA).
Discussion topics include:
- Overview of nighttime feeding as a dietary strategy for health and performance
- Effects of pre-sleep consumption of protein rich meals and snacks on body composition
- Effects of pre-sleep consumption of carbohydrate-rich meals and snacks on next-day physical performance
- Nighttime feeding and potential positive impact on daytime overfeeding behaviours
Key paper(s) discussed / referred to:
- Nighttime feeding likely alters morning metabolism but not exercise performance in female athletes
- Timed-daily ingestion of whey protein and exercise training reduces visceral adipose tissue mass and improves insulin resistance: the PRISE study
- Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation Are Not Altered with Presleep Compared with Daytime Casein Protein Intake in Resistance-Trained Women
- The effects of pre-sleep consumption of casein protein on next-morning measures of resting metabolic rate and appetite compared between sedentary pre- and postmenopausal women