Episode 181: Flexible Dieting
with Alan Aragon MS
Episode 181 of the Institute of Performance Nutrition‘s “We Do Science” podcast! In this episode, I (Laurent Bannock) discuss “Flexible Dieting” with Alan Aragon MS (California State University, USA).
Discussion Topics Include:
- Origins and evolution of flexible dieting as a field-tested method for achieving optimal body composition, health and performance
- Why the public are confused as to what we should eat, and why even experts disagree with each other
- Why scientific literacy is necessary to navigate the minefield of misinformation
- Why no single diet is for everyone
- Rigid versus flexible dietary control
- Dichotomous thinking: the backbone to rigid dietary control
- Discretionary calories: why all foods can fit when properly moderated
Key Paper(s) Discussed / Referred to:
- Flexible Dieting (book)
- International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition
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