Episode 185: Restricting Carbs and its Impact on Physical Activity & Metabolism
Featuring Professor Javier Gonzalez
Episode 185 of the Institute of Performance Nutrition‘s “We Do Science” podcast! In this episode, I (Laurent Bannock) discuss “Restricting Carbs and its Impact on Physical Activity & Metabolism” with Professor Javier Gonzalez PhD (University of Bath, UK)
Discussion Topics Include:
- Fuel use and changes during activity and rest
- Blood sugar and insulin responses to sugar and carbohydrate restriction
- Sugar restriction and blood lactate concentrations
- Fat oxidation rates after various types of meals
- Changes in metabolism as a result of sugar and carbohydrate restriction and wether that actually results in physical activity and total energy intake differences
- Pros and cons to sugar and carbohydrate restriction for health, body composition and performance
Key Paper(s) / Book(s) Referred to:
Related Podcast Episodes:
- #173: “CHO feeding formats: impact on CHO oxidation during exercise”
with Dr Mark Hearris - #170: “Nutrient timing and metabolic regulation”
with Professor James Betts
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